Life After NaNo....

Is there life after NaNo????? Maybe there is a reason the abbreviation ends with the word "no"!

But, that's not true. Just because I haven't blogged doesn't mean there is no life or that I have had no life. I've been busy revising and editing my NaNo 2012 manuscript.

I'm actually quite pleased with the state of it even before I delved into the editing. I actually feel like I can join the same group of people who write those NaNo talks and say they hardly changed a thing and got published.... okay, okay, so maybe I'm nowhere near getting published, but I'm still pleasantly surprised at what I wrote in 30 days over 2 years ago considering...

So, what's next? I'm taking part in a Writer's Digest Webinar: WHAT AN AGENT REALLY THINKS, A Live Query-A-Thon. I'm very excited, if not extremely anxious, at what kind of feedback I'll be getting.

Also, BIG NEWS HERE, I came across this contest in my e-mail today and want to share it with all who are interested. Please check out this DEAR LUCKY AGENT 14 contest. Click on the blue words or below for the link. Read the rules carefully and best of luck. I'm trying to get my logline done right now!


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