plot vs. character by jeff gerke

When I was in high school, I sat on the couch surrounded by yarn, crochet hooks and about four books on "How to Crochet". It was Christmas break and I resolved to stay on the couch until I had mastered the craft of crocheting. I was about to give up, until I picked up the last book and Viola! I got it! Something about the author's presentation struck a chord with me and I got it. I was able to understand how to cast on and how to count my stitches and even how to execute several kinds of stitches. The book just made sense to me.

Well, a few weeks ago I got the book PLOT VERSUS CHARACTER by Jeff Gerke and I had that same Aha! moment. What he said just made sense. Too often I walk away from a lecture or an article thinking, "Well, it was good, but not anything I haven't heard before." Jeff Gerke isn't reinventing the way to write, but he does present his ideas in a manner that resonated so succinctly with me.

He plots out the inner journey and external plot side by side, so you get a feel for when you should reveal things from both and when the escalation should begin and when it should fall. Between his explanations and the visual diagrams, something clicked with me.

This book was the push I needed to get me over some hurdles. Now, enough procrastinating...


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